*English follows because Google Translate is shit.
“Tomorrow (November 7) is the day that I will know if I passed for another graduate school. I guess I will fail that too because I can’t even get into interview rounds. FML.”
前のブログ:nothing works
“another graduate school”とは,奈良先端科学技術大学院大学(NAIST)のことである.他に,北陸先端科学技術大学院大学(JAIST)と沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)3校が科学技術系の大学院大学として有名である.ちなみに,NAISTとJAISTは国立でOISTは私立であるが,経費のほぼ全額を日本政府から提供されている.
東京科学大学(旧東京工業大学)を中退してNAISTに進学する知り合いもいて,すごく研究が強い大学院だなと思った.私は内定配属された研究室はディペンダブルシステム学研究室(Dependable Systems Lab)で,パリ・ソルボンヌ大学のSebastien Tixeuilさんと提携研究をしているらしい.もしそこの大学院に進学だとしたら,インターンシップなどの機会でまたパリに行けるかもしれないね.
“Tomorrow (November 7) is the day that I will know if I passed for another graduate school. I guess I will fail that too because I can’t even get into interview rounds. FML.”
Previous blog: nothing works
“another graduate school” refers to Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST). It is well known as one of the three postgraduate-only institutions which focus on science. The other two are Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST). Fun fact, while NAIST and JAIST are public (national) and OIST is private, OIST is almost fully funded by the Japanese government.
I know a friend who is quitting the graduate school of Institute of Science Tokyo (Science Tokyo) and going to NAIST (he also got accpeted). It’s a bit surprising, considering Tokyo is much more convenient and how prestigious Science Tokyo is, but as graudate schools are all about research (at least in Japan), it makes perfect sense. The lab I am going to is called Dependable Systems Lab, which I think you, the reader, are already interested. The lab has connection with Sebastien Tixeuil from Sorbonne U., where my home (24.25.305) is at. If I’m going to NAIST, I might have chance to go to Sorbonne again for internships, etc.
In November and December (two departments) I will apply for the University of Tokyo again. The war is not over. Nevertheless, all the labs I’m applying to are doing extremely interesting research. It’s exciting to think about which to go.
Anyways, I’m very happy that at least I’m guaranteed to go to a master program, potentially academia. The failures I have experienced in job hunting was fully covered. Fuck yeah.
Although the price in Paris is high and will still be, I didn’t feel any stress in terms of life. It’s so easy to hang out because it only takes less than 30 minutes to go anywhere (and I’m more special than in Japan). Overall it was and is so much better than Tokyo. (Because of my mom) I probably will not enroll master program in Sorbonne, I want to visit it and Paris in the near future.
Maybe in any sort of vacations if I can find a cheap flight.