Today was the first day of exams for UTokyo’s master program (Math).
There were three questions covering three fields
I prepared basics for all three, and I focused on differential equaiton the most. Luckily it did come up in the second question, but for the other two I was caught off guard. The first question was Linear Algebra in 3D space. I had no idea what to do. The third question was probability. I have always been bad at it and the question I had was depressing.
I don’t remember the last time I ate at Yoshinoya. It has been a long while. The price was a little bit higher than expected because of the weak yen but not too far off. The portion of the meat is, as always, unreasonably small.
What caught my eyes were the new tablets. Yoshinoya is usually not big enough to be considered a restaurant. Yet now I order from a tablet, whereas before, I used to order from a menu by talking to the staff.
The room except the kitchen is about double the size of my dorm in Paris (about 10 $m^2$) it makes the most sense if I could just talk to the staff. Sure I don’t have to talk to people, but in a such small space it’s kind of weird.
At least I have overcome the “fear” of talking to people, thanks to the folks back in Paris.
I parked my bike in slot No. 18 and went to take the math exam. When I came back and checked the parking fee, it showed 500 yen. I was quite shocked because it should cost 100 yen for each 24 hours. After a short while I figured out what was going on.
See this photo I took. The black stoppers on slot No. 18 are already activated (closed).
You might have noticed that slot No. 15 on the left side do not emit a red light since it’s occupied. Slot No. 16 does beacuse it’s unoccupied.
I parked my bike in slot No. 18, so what actually happened was my bike’s wheel rolled over the stoppers. Free parking lol.